Nifty Nut Butters – 8 jars of nutty joy!

Last month, my partner and I queued for Cheltenham’s inaugural Vegan Festival. Set up within the two main spaces within Cheltenham Town Hall, all manner of exhibitors exhibited their wares, from tiger nut-based foods, popular curries, chocolate, protein shakes, clothing, ice cream, fudge, try-before-you-go-supermarket-shopping cheeses, bakery goods and this: Nifty Nut Butter, which I shall…

FUSION CAKES AND BAKES – A very special selection

Twitter has opened a number of doors to lead my intrigue, not least a plethora of gluten free food sellers, bakers and bloggers. I have even discovered new supermarket foods before they hit the shelves, an absolute bonus (though not so much on the wallet)! Once in a while, however, my inner response is far…

New from Divine: Dark with almonds and raisins

  Ten days ago, I glanced through my Divine newsletter whilst taking warm porridge to our trio of chirpy chickens. Thrilled to hear of a new DARK bar, to be the subject of a ‘live tasting’ on 8th March, I scoured the Web and local shops until I had a bar of the hidden gem in…